Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Silkscreen - Michael Moore

I'll get back to more of the Mapplethorpe silkscreens, but I just did this silkscreen using an image of Michael Moore (in Philadelphia, around l995 0 l996). It's a very simple image in a way, and for me symbolic of many things about Michael Moore.

The Title is: More Michael Moore. 22' x 30". To me he is a great modern Statesman. He wears the same hat (varies in color) most of the time, a working/playing mans hat. An ordinary mans hat. He is a smart man who speaks freely. We could use many More Michael Moores around this nation. I am sick of the politic-speak, the huge gap between everyman (woman) and the powers that be.

**Note - there is a hue over the white paper in this photo; can't seem to get rid of it.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New silkscreen = Silver Mapplethorpe

This piece is unique, 30" x 22" on BFK

Sunday, August 01, 2010

lst Piece: Mapplethorpe Double

15" x 22" BFK Rives Paper Silkscreen: acrylic and watercolor.
First set of these (about six unique pieces) are finished.

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