Shyamalan's The Happening Review

Since I was an extra, I looked forward to seeing the Happening in a theater. I loved the beginning, in Philadelphia. Course I am one of the blurs in 3oth Street Station. I thought the fear and tension at the beginning was right on, and men hurling themselves off buildings was pretty cool and unforgettable. I looked forward to what would happen next and was never bored. It did evoke the classic Hitchcock film The Birds. Perhaps the greatest scene of all time, the phone booth, remains the best. I didn't understand the lawn mower scene (trite), Nothing that new in the Happening, but liked the window-shattering craziness at the end.
It all made me look back to my first films in film school. I recently had them transferred and put them to the music in Final Cut Express, which I am now competent in. My very first film in 8mm surprised me. I haven't seen it in twenty years, and the imagery was better than I recalled. In those days it was all image. This last year I wrote my first feature, which is all words and I am just now connecting to imagery once again. Here are some still frames from that first movie.