As a young girl, my sister, her friend and I would walk in the moonlight down our long driveway and along Sugartown Road miles and miles to the friends' house. It was dark and brooding and warm, and as we pass a particular lane with a large open field, the friend would point and say "That's the field, where they found the dead girl". I was ll years old, never got the details, but the imagery of the marble shadows and ominous site stayed with me all these years. Watching the filming on a nearby street for the Lovey Bones, I wondered about that girl. At one point, as an extra for one day, I watched Peter Jackson directing. He is meticulous in the look of the film, and he took more takes of complex scenes than any other director I have worked under so far in My Year As A Movie Extra. I loved watching him work. My scene is the adorable teenage boy sitting in the gazebo with the old shopping mall activity behind him as he talks with a girl. I am directly behind them talking with another woman on a bench, and most likely I will be in the film. I didn't dare take pictures on the set for fear of being thrown off. I loved every minute of it. Can't help but think about Susie and the field where they found the dead girl here in my home town.
Labels: dead girl, director Peter Jackson, moonlight, movie, shooting, suburbs Pennsylvania, The Lovely Bones
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